PemancinG TegaR BorneO

PemancinG TegaR BorneO
Blog ini didedikasikan khas buat semua pemancing2 tegar kepulauan Borneo dan tidak lupa juga kepada pemancing2 tegar di semenanjung, semua di alu2kan. Di harap kita semua dapat menghangatkan blog ini dengan berkongsi apa2 sahaja mengenai dunia memancing seperti info terkini, peralatan, kisah@pengalaman memancing, teknik2 dan tips, selain dalam masa yang sama dapat mengeratkan lagi hubungan siraturahim sesama kita, tak gitu?? ..Hehehe~ Semua di alu2kan memberi pendapat. Salam…^^ Hantarkan gambar2 aktiviti memancing,tangkapan atau kisah@pengalaman benar yang pernah anda alami semasa memancing atau apa2 yang berkaitan kepada saya, sertakan dengan nama penuh dan maklumat peribadi,untuk saya postkan di blog...Tq! E-mail >>

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Giant Squid Captured, Filmed for First Time!!!

Photo in the News: Giant Squid Captured, Filmed for First Time

December 22, 2006—Like pulling a shadow from the darkness, researchers in Japan have captured and filmed a live giant squid—likely for the first time—shedding new light on the famously elusive creatures.
Tsunemi Kubodera, a scientist with Japan's National Science Museum, caught the 24-foot (7-meter) animal earlier this month near the island of Chichijima, some 600 miles (960 kilometers) southeast of Tokyo (see Japan map).
His team snared the animal using a line baited with small squid and shot video of the russet-colored giant as it was hauled to the surface.
The squid, a young female, "put up quite a fight" as the team attempted to bring it aboard, Kudobera told the Associated Press, and the animal died from injuries sustained during the capture.
Giant squid, the world's largest invertebrates, are thought to reach sizes up to 60 feet (18 meters), but because they live at such great ocean depths they have never been studied in the wild.
Kubodera has spent three years searching for the creatures, and his team scored a coup in 2004 when it used a remote underwater camera to take the first-ever photographs of a live giant squid.
(See a gallery of the first photos taken of a live giant squid.)
The capture may be a sign that giant squid are more plentiful than had been thought, Kubodera said, and the event could help open up more fruitful research into the poorly understood animal.
"Now that we know where to find them, we think we can be more successful at studying them in the future," he said.

—Blake de Pastino

*For more information,please visit National Geographic website*

P/S: Bayangkan kita dapat candat sontong sebesar ni....Ada berani???Hahahhaha!!~



PemancinG TegaR BorneO

Blog ini didedikasikan khas buat semua pemancing2 tegar kepulauan Borneo dan tidak lupa juga kepada pemancing2 tegar di semenanjung, semua di alu2kan. Di harap kita semua dapat menghangatkan blog ini dengan berkongsi apa2 sahaja mengenai dunia memancing seperti info terkini, peralatan, kisah@pengalaman memancing, teknik2 dan tips, selain dalam masa yang sama dapat mengeratkan lagi hubungan siraturahim sesama kita, tak gitu?? ..Hehehe~

Semua di alu2kan memberi pendapat. Salam…^^

Hantarkan gambar2 aktiviti memancing,tangkapan atau kisah@pengalaman benar yang pernah anda alami semasa memancing atau apa2 yang berkaitan kepada saya, sertakan dengan nama penuh dan maklumat peribadi,untuk saya postkan di blog...Tq!

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